For over twenty years...

I have applied volume price analysis to my trading and investing. Now you too can discover this powerful methodology through my books, market analysis, education programs and trading indicators. And you're also welcome to join me in my free webinars to see it all in action.

Latest Blog Posts

Meta flies high!

February 2, 2024 Anna 0

Whatever you think of Mark Zuckerberg, who has many detractors, he has done quite a job with Meta since the stock price collapsed to a […]

Where next for SPY?

January 20, 2024 Anna 0

A very Happy New Trading Year and one that started in a bit of a downbeat mood, which ended on Friday with the S&P500 & […]

Is the TLT at a turning point?

November 9, 2023 Anna 0

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts and webinars, the bond market is probably the least understood of the four capital markets. Most people’s eyes glaze […]

VPA signs on the SPY

October 12, 2023 Anna 4

I’ve been commenting on the SPY on my X-feed, and yesterday’s highlighted how we should be watching the volume on the daily chart, given how […]

Waiting for Tech

April 25, 2023 Anna 0

Last week’s yawnfest continues on all the four indices we follow, namely the YM, ES, NQ & RTY, with the indices moving sideways in a […]